About Us

Youth Work Ireland Midlands, in partnership with Young people and their communities
aims to Develop, coordinate and promote a comprehensive response to youth needs throughout Westmeath, Roscommon & Offaly.
In achieving this Youth Work Ireland Midlands works towards the following objectives:
To actively encourage young people to design and implement programmes relevant to themselves with the support of staff and volunteers.
To assist and support young people to find and use their own resources responsibly
To provide young people with opportunities to participate in programmes which enhance self development
To encourage and empower young people to become authors of their own activities in collaboration with staff and volunteers.
To provide with the information necessary to make informed decisions and to participate fully in society.
As an integrated Youth Service, Youth Work Ireland Midlands promotes process and experiential learning. The Social Education model of youth work is used to empower young people, in consultation with staff & volunteers, to develop a range of programmes and activities aimed at enhancing the social, physical, emotional and spiritual development of the young person.
The Vision of Youth Work Ireland Midlands, in line with this model of youth work, encourages young people to reach their full potential, where they are capable of taking responsibility for their own actions and becoming positive, active members of their communities.
Youth Work Ireland Midlands is a community-based youth work organisation providing services to young people in youth centres, community houses and facilities at the heart of the community in Counties Westmeath, Offaly and Roscommon. The service we provide are as follows:
Youth Club Development & Volunteer Support: 18 volunteer led youth clubs work with children and young people across the region.
Community Youth Projects: 3 youth projects engage with the local community to identify and respond to the needs of young people in their area.
Youth Justice Work: 4 projects support young people to divert from crime and anti-social behaviour.
Youth Information Services: Online and In-house Youth Information Service.
Education: Acorn Midlands Education & Training Service (AMETS) supports young people who are out of school and adult learners with access to educational programmes and is a QQI Accredited Provider.
One to One Support: For young people with additional needs, the organisation delivers tailored support on an individual basis where appropriate
Comhairle Na nÓg: Youth Work Ireland Midlands facilitates Comhairle Na nOg (Child & Youth Council) in Counties Westmeath & Roscommon and supports young people to participate in Comhairle na nOg in Co. Offaly.
Other Services: In addition to the services delivered directly to young people, Youth Work Ireland Midlands delivers the following services:
C.E. Scheme: This scheme supports long term unemployed adults, including young adults to access supported employment, training and progression routes
Traveller Men’s Project: Supporting young Traveller men to participate in youth work activities and pre-employment programmes with a view to progression to education / employment.
Here 4 U: Non-judgemental listening and support service to young people experiencing anxiety through separation / divorce / bereavement.
International Programmes: Supporting young people to engage in development under the Erasmus+ programme including Transnational Youth Work activities, European Voluntary Service and Youth Exchanges