Rural Youth CLubs & special interest groups
Youth Work Ireland Midlands' youth clubs provide young people with a safe place where they have a sense of belonging, where they have people who believe in them, and a place where they can form positive relationships with adults. They exist to assist in the personal and social development of young people so as to enable them take decisions, exercise responsibility and contribute towards the development of society.
We have a total of 18 clubs in communities all across Offaly and Westmeath. These local youth clubs are often the heart of their communities with young people, youth leaders, and adult volunteers coming together to be part of something important. Our youth clubs encourage participation and foster a sense of belonging for young people, as well as training and support for volunteers.
We also have Special Interest Groups who are supported with the provision of training, Garda Vetting, Insurance and Policy and Procedure updates and guidance.
Athlone (Monksland) Dart Group
Coder DoJo
The Link Club (Special Needs Group)
Mullingar Charity Variety Group
Football Academy
AIRC Midlands - supporting children with disabilities
Moate Performing and Visual Arts
Rural Youth Clubs
Coordinator: Eileen McArdle (Kelly)
Contact: emcardle@youthworkmidlands.org
Tel: 086 3294 763 / 09064 77075